Biguerlai Laxative Slimming Tea 25 tea bags
Multi-pack (25 pieces)
Slimming Tea in 1 box
Indications: Helps flush clean the colon, Cleanses the body of harmful toxins and impurities, May aid in weight loss.
Formulation: Each 2 grams Tea bag contains, Senna Fruits (1.5g) Senna Leaves (500mg)
Indications: Used to induce bowel movement, to relieve constipation, and to reduce excess body fats and fluids.
Dosage and Directions: Soak the tea bag into a 6 oz. cup of lukewarm water and let it steep for 20 minutes only in order to get the best result. Only take one tea bag/cup a day.
Precaution: Should not be given to patients with intestinal obstruction or with undiagnosed abdominal symptoms. Care should also be taken in patients with inflammatory bowel diseases. Over dosage can result in diarrhea with excessive loss of water and electrolytes, particularly potassium.
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